5 Mar 2009


This is possibly one of the coolest things I have seen on YouTube in a while, that and I have always been a big fan of mash-up DJ's like The Outlaws and 2ManyDjs. Basically, an Israeli DJ by the name of Kutiman has created a mash-up of a whole host of music from YouTube and created an entire album from it.

The brilliant thing is that he's not used well-known musicians throughout, he's used amateurs, semi-pros and people just messing around that can't even play. The other cool thing he's done is actually used tutorials that have been uploaded by people as part of the mix for the title song, The Mother of all Funk Chords - check out the below.

I tried to take a look at his site, but it's crashed due to traffic, so there's obviously a fair few others that think the same as me. However, he also have a MySpace page you can take a look out and the mash-ups are all over YouTube

MyTake - Collaboration, content-mashing, shaping it your way then sharing it with the world, well now....that's web 3.0 behaviour isn't it. Alright, he's aggregator is probably his mac but the principle is there. He's already a successful musician in his own right, but as our man Mr McCullen said "the medium is the message".