10 Aug 2007

300 - It's a mega-man movie

6 packs? 6 packs! Pah! These guys have got 8 and 10 packs and a full complement of guns to boot! I'm of course talking about the movie 300. If you haven't seen it - go rent the DVD. It's all action, kick-ass battle scenes and cool one liners, like "Tonight we dine in hell"!

Alright, so this is a blokes movie, but there's nothing wrong with that. Girls have the romantic comedy section, we have bloody tales of 300 Greek blokes fighting against 2 million Persian blokes - sounds bloody fantastic, doesn't it? I have to admit though, halfway through watching it, I did find myself getting more and more excited as the fight scenes got even more bloody and complicated, even adding in a few one liners of my own, such as "have a chew on that my son!"

It was at this stage that I started to think about the beef advert for children that's currently on air. It's the advert with the brother and sister talking about their likes and dislikes with the girl looking all sweet in a fairly outfit talking about how she liked the colour pink. The boy on the other hand describes how he likes boxing by standing up and punching an imaginary man, adding his own sound effects "duff, duff! Biff, biff! Smack! Wallop!". So I thought to myself - Us blokes are all still that kid and movies like 300!

The other thing that made me think of the beef advert for kids was that although they disagree on everything else, they agree in the end that they love their mum's beef, in a similar way that me and my missus agreed that we both thought the movie was great. Probably for different reason of course...did I mention the 8 packs girls?

3 Aug 2007

I wish Harry would just Pott off!

The world and its dog is reading the last book in the Harry Potter mega-franchise, all except me and a few mates I know. The sensitivity around this has baffled me to the point of being disturbing. As soon as the book came out, I only wanted to know one thing - who dies!? I tried asking a few people that were reading the book what happens in the end, the response was a mixture of looks of disdain and downright madness, with one person even putting their fingers in their ears, singing "la, la, la, la". Not one TV or radio journo has dared to even utter the ending, until one brave soul by the name of Johnno Coleman let it slip on national TV yesterday. When I say, let it slip, he actually joked about it and made up a bogus ending. The show's response to this was to initially suspend him, then today hold a phone poll for viewers to vote on whether or not he should have his job back. Let's get this in perspective, they didn't hold a poll on whether the government should be doing more to fight global warming, or if whether there needs to be a bigger crack down on drugs in professional sport, nope - something far more important - Should Johnno Coleman get his job back after daring to even joke about telling people the ending of the book. My solution to this - I'm getting right behind Johnno. As of today, I am going to go up to every person I see reading Harry Potter, and say "He dies in the end, he kills two innocent puppies, the girl becomes a crack addict and the fat bloke dies of a heart attack". "So there, wasn't that interesting anyway, welcome back to the real world".

Is sleeping in on the weekend really bad for you?

A sat on the sofa this morning watching the news, or what passes for the news, when a so called expert came on. This expert claimed that sleeping in on the weekend was actually bad for you. My first few thoughts were as follows - so, it's bad to drink more than one beer, it's bad to spend too much time with your mates, it's bad to eat red meat, it's bad to watch too much sport. Great, not only have they sucked the fun out of life, they are now about to take away my weekend morning sleep-in - which by the way still sees me out of bed by 8:30am. My take on all this - I don't care one some expert says, I will have my weekend sleep-in and my fellow men, I suggest you do to, if for no other reason than this - The sooner you get up, the sooner she'll have you doing things you don't want to do.