5 Dec 2008

Tinternet treats: 05:12:08

Hello Friday! Where have you been all week…. Right, what have we got then? First up is a rather nifty piece of work done by the guys at Cake PR in London. Ever been to London, seen the lions in Trafalgar Square? Well, imagined if they actually chatted back to you…. Second Engadget’s second go at the Nokia 97, iPhone killer, really?? Third is Lifeshacker letting us know about the new Opensource t-shirts, I’ll probably get one…. Last, Kotaku brings us new of a new product from Tap Tap in the form of imusic. That’s it, enjoy your Friday…be kind to your neighbour…unlike that French stiff that lives behind us

For Fuks Sake:
The Lions get a bit Lippy
Nokia 97 hands on part II
Opensource t-shirts available at the all new Mozilla community store
Tap Tap transforms from igame into imusic