22 Feb 2007

The (Con)fusion

We all want our faces to be nice and smooth don't we? We'll, if you're REALLY serious about it, you'll have to get the new Fusion razor from Gillette. After seeing the over-stylized, extremely American advert on TV I had to go and have a look at the website. Once on the site I got a virtual tour from a "scientist" called Cassandra, who clearly knows what she's talking about because she has both of the instruments vital to any scientist - a clipboard and white coat. Cassandra reliably informed me that the Fusion labs (yes, they have labs) have created this razor with the "comfort" of five blades on one side and the "precision" of one on the other. Hmmmm, I never knew that dragging 5 blades across your face could be comfortable - goes to show how much I know! The structure of the razor also raises two questions for me: Is the side with 5 blades not "precise" and the side with 1 blade not "comfortable"??? Why not come to a happy medium and say have 3 or 4 blades - now that's just crazy talk! I'll leave you with this gem for the TV advert, the side of the razor with one blade is for "those hard to reach spots" - Now, I'm not an expert, but I don't have any problems reaching any part of my face, do you?? Anyway, check it out, Cassandra's not bad looking for a "scientist" http://www.gillettefusion.com/us/