23 Feb 2007

DVDs are bad for your balls

As we head towards the weekend and thoughts of getting up late and siting around in your underwear start to creep in, the question pops up - what am I going to do tonight, or in the case of many couples - what are WE going to do tonight? As parents the choice is fairly limited to nothing, or a DVD. DVDs are the staple form of entertainment for most parents, providing a welcome escape from watching adverts and crap TV - the problem is, the compromise.

Most blokes look for guns, war, fast cars or a bit of childish comedy, in fact there are probably a fair few blokes that secretly love the Fast and the Furious trilogy, not me though, not enough depth for me....However, our better halves are looking for a bit of romance or some lighthearted comedy - both of which a bloke would probably give up a ball for if it meant that they didn't have to watch them. So, I ask this, is it not a conspiracy against blokes that they went and combined them??? I mean come on! You don't see us mixing genres, that would just be stupid, we'd end up with War Comedy or something...wait a minute we could get Martin Sheen to play George Bush and....

But seriously, blokes beware the Romantic Comedy section, your balls are far to valuable.