22 Feb 2007

Is Green the new Black?

As a kid, I remember getting dragged out to the yard to help Mum and dad with gardening and I hated it, I couldn't think of anything worse. To the young me, it was some twisted form of torture designed to separate me from the pinnacle of modern entertainment - the almighty Commodore 64. Fast forward 20 years and I found myself facing the prospect of "tending" to my garden and the childhood memories came flooding back, only this time it wasn't my beloved Commodore 64 that I was being separated from, but my long-time love, the cricket. After the first hour or so, I found myself really enjoying it and before long, I'd spent the whole afternoon working in the garden and I hadn't missed the Cricket once...Blasphemy you say, and I hear you, I really do - but the fact is, it really is quite enjoyable. There's something about working with your hands that makes a bloke feel good and it's really addictive. After that first episode, I've been out in the garden almost every weekend, doing this and that, and I'm even going to lay 16 square metres of new turf this weekend. So is gardening the new thing for blokes, should we all get out there and get a bit muddy? Put it this way, it's a great excuse for a few sneaky cold ones in the afternoon.