The best innovators in the world are kids without agenda, and while this might not be an world changing innovation, it's an interesting direction. Basically, a new language is being developed using the predictive text system. Have you ever been texting a mate to see if they want to go for a beer and ending asking "You up for an adds?" - happens to me more than I'd care to admit. Well, phone addicted kids are putting a new twist on this by relacing key words within a sentence to the first alternative that comes up on the predictive text, which results in what is essentially a new language -
"R U cycle? Book! Fancy an adds down the sub? There's a gr8 new carnage" actually means "R U awake, Fancy a beer down the pub? There's a gr8 new barmaid"
My Take - you wont stop the children of the revolution, no you won't.....well, you could take there phones away. In all seriousness, it's great to see a generation define itself through expression and this generation has done this more than most. Which goes back to my first point about innovation - it's going to be great to see what they do to global business in 10 years time.
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