It’s a move that is probably being mirrored all over the world, with small start-ups being denied funding that they need in order to establish themselves and develop products. In a very real way, the immediate impact of the current stock-market problems will have a knock on effect in terms of future growth because the ideas of today wont be supported in order to provide the products of tomorrow.
MyTake – Someone’s house is obviously more important, but we really shouldn’t be in this situation to start with. Check out Thomas Friedman’s article here for a great insight and opinion on the current situation. It’s irritating to think that this could mean some of the best new ideas in the world will never get heard. I’d also take aim at some of the mainstream media here as well, because they have a responsibility. They have a responsibility to tell the story as it is without over dramatising it. I was watching the news yesterday when the anchor darkly claimed that global markets were in “meltdown”, real the end is neigh type stuff. I also saw a UK tabloid comparing the situation to the great depression – great stuff guys, let’s panic the world into a recession shall we.
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