11 Sept 2008


I think it was only a couple of weeks ago that I wrote a post on how important it is for parents to understand technology, the web, gaming et al, so that they can better interact with this kids and more importantly. Well, it seems that the UK government is actually doing something about this. In my post, I mentioned that parents would probably have to get a bit more savvy with things like Nielsen reports in order to get an understanding of what their kids are up to, but UK-based Parentline Plus is set to launch a social networking site.

While it has a wider remit of providing support for parents in general, its very presence on the web gives it the advantage of being able to act as an authority for kids and the web. According to info on the web, the network is aimed at helping parents of teenage children share their problems, challenges and worries. What’s the old saying, a problem shared is a problem halved.

MyTake – Great initiative, I’d love to see the take up numbers on this. Having been a resident in the UK I can tell you that the people that are in most need are often the people that have the least – which probably doesn’t include a PC with access to the net. Having said that, if this can help parents going through a hard time (god knows mine did with me!) then it’s worth it.