5 Sept 2008

EA plays with iPhone

As if you needed another reason to buy an iPhone, here’s another one (or three) - you can now get SimCity and Sim3 on you iPhone and Spore will be available on September 7. On top on this, a recent EA press release also reveals that Monopoly, Tiger Woods PGA Tour and Need for Speed Undercover are currently in development.

After giving the mobile phone industry a huge kick up the behind, it looks like the iPhone is finally about to take a take a bite out of the mobile games industry. In my books, that puts everyone on notice. Still though, the annoying thing is the data charges here in Australia – how is this going to make online-gaming appealing? With EA putting a lot of money into developing for the iPhone, who’ll follow next and what titles? A word to EA – please think of a way to bring FIFA to the iPhone.   

MyTake – Gaming is surely the next big target area for the boys at Apple and the iPhone is the product to do it on. I remember when the original iPhone first came out and a friend of mine from Gamespot.com.au showed me a very basic racing game – I was totally blown away. A few killer titles, some decent online gaming and we’ll see another market flavoured Apple.