10 Sept 2008


Something quite brilliant has been happening for a couple of years now and the guys at TechCrunch are behind it. TechCrunch50 is the second conference to be held by the TechCrunch guys and is aimed at finding “the best start-ups and launch them in front of our industry’s most influential VCs, corporations, fellow entrepreneurs and press”. 

According to the reports coming out of this year’s conference, the place is buzzing and there are a lot of cool start-ups there including TweeGee.com, Hangout.net, Goplanit and Blahgirls.com, a venture backed by Ashton Kutcher. The idea behind his venture is to provide gossip with attitude and was inspired by driving round the daughters of wife, Demi Moore.

TechCrunch received over 1,000 applications companies wishing to take part but at the three day event, as Christopher Lambert once uttered,  “there cam be only one”, and that one will walk away with a cash prize of $50,000. I have some friends at the event and have been following them on Twitter, Dave Ambrose said yesterday “A lot of people here at TechCrunch50 very open and looking for suggestions around their ideas, which is awesome to hear, because that’s what this space is all about – sharing, growing and developing ideas with a bunch of people. Feedback is the buzz word of web 2.0 is more ways than one.

MyTake – It’s been a while since there’s been this amount of buzz and excitement around a conference and I think it’s great. We get to hear about people and companies that are out there thinking up cool things for us to play with and ultimately make the web a more interesting space. The more we collaborate, the more we learn and the more we learn the better the end product.


Anonymous said...

Alan, you hit on a great point here:

"It’s been a while since there’s been this amount of buzz and excitement around a conference and I think it’s great. We get to hear about people and companies that are out there thinking up cool things for us to play with and ultimately make the web a more interesting space. The more we collaborate, the more we learn and the more we learn the better the end product."

Even though the past three days here in SF have showcased some awesome technologies, it's the people (both entrepreneurs and customers) that have been fascinating. Folks here are open in sharing the ideas and more importantly, receiving and acting on feedback to better their products and services.

Alan Parker said...

I would have loved to have gone to this. The buzz around it is amazing. You must have had a great time.