18 Aug 2008

Keen as a Bean

1905 was the year of the Russian revolution and also saw the premier of the Scarlet Pimpernel at the New Theatre in London. But, more importantly for the purposes of this post, it was the year that Ivy Bean was born.

Now, you’d be forgiven for not knowing who Ivy Bean is, but she may just be the next friend you make as the 102 year old has just joined Facebook, making her the oldest person to join the social network. The social Nanna heard the staff in her care home talking about Facebook and decided to give it ago. Although she’s only got a handful of friends at the moment, I’ll bet she’ll have a lot more after her story has been spreading over the net.

MyTake – I don’t think anyone has an excuse for not getting involved with a social network when the likes of Ivy are taking the plunge. This is lady that was born in an era when the computer wasn’t even a pipe dream and she’s still keen to have a go. As more and more of us jump online and start talking to each other, it can’t be long before the boundaries of gender, race, religion and age become completely irrelevant. Keep on Facebookin’ Ivy!