At this year's convention, the democrats gave out 120 passes to bloggers with a whole host of extra bloggers sneaking in without passes. Not to be outdone, the Republicans will be giving around 200 bloggers the pat on the back to get the message out at their conference. For the bloggers at the Democratic convention, things get even better with a Blogger's Lounge at their disposal and even some floor passes thrown in for extra measure.
MyTake - Of course bloggers are important, anybody that doesn't think so, wake up and smell the .blogspot. The money that gets pumped into the election from both sides is phenomenal and there are a lot of smart people deciding where to spend that money. If they give the bloggers a lounge, floor passes and 120-200 passes, it's because they believe that these guys are pretty influencial. So.... Smart people think bloggers are so important that they'd spend US election campaign money to influence them. 'Nuff said.
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