25 Mar 2008

Broadcasters tune in

Another day, another digital first. Canadian channel CBC has revealed plans that it will make its new reality show available through BitTorrent, making it the first broadcaster to release an English-language, prime-time show without any copyright restrictions. The show, entitled “Canada’s Next Great Prime Minister” features contestants that battle it out with each other to come up with ideas to make the great country of Canada a better place. There’s been a lot of buzz around the use of BitTorrent lately, most recently with Nine Inch Nails releasing their new album using the technology.
MyTake – It makes sense for government/state funded TV to make a move like this, because its content is already “free-access”. By using BitTorrent, it opens up another channel and therefore more eyeballs. The interesting move is going to come when the advertising-funding or pay-per-view cotton on to it, but the question is – how do you give it away and still maintain its value? Teasers, free weekends?….time will tell.