26 Mar 2008

Surfin’ Safari

Safari, for those not in the know, is the internet browser that comes as standard with all Apple Macs and has a pretty good reputation among Mac users. Until recently, only Mac users got to experience Safari, but that all changed with the announcement last year that Apple was going to make Safari available for PC.

Now that’s interesting and all, but the really interesting thing is the way that they (they being Apple) have distributed it. Jobs and Co came up with the light-bulb idea of delivering Safari as part of its latest software update as well as including it in its iTunes software. Now, I don’t need to tell you about the penetration of iTunes across both Mac and PC – it’s enormous.

MyTake – genius move by the boys at Apple, even if it is a bit of a Trojan horse. Distribution is everything when it comes to content, that’s why I am a firm believer that Apple is going to be a major threat to the likes of Blockbuster in the next few years. However, we have to remember that the power is in the content as well as the distribution model.